CodeCamp: Execution Environment and Business Modelling Langauage
We had organised the DBE CodeCamp yesterday. The focus was the Execution Environment (ExE) and Business Modelling Langauage (BML). We helped the Software Developers to implement the ExE in their laptops and facilitated the discovery and consumption of a DBE 'Date Service' through a local Wifi and wired network. Conversion of an existing WSDL using WSDL2Java was also demonstrated and a service was consumed through this conversion. Eclipse was briefly introduced to the participants.
The concept of Business Modelling was discussed in great detail explaining the current disadvantages in the information content presented through WSDL and the need for complex information to manage B2B transactions. The BML structure, its alignment to Model Driven Architecture (MDA) and the individual packages were described. Three basic industry models - Manufacturer, Retailer and Broker Business Models were presented using a BML template.